Toon Time
The first bumper is for a fictional "Toon Time" cartoon block similar to the "Cartoon City" bumpers developed by Cartoon Network.
I created this by:
(1) made the Rubik's cube/box in Maya with polygon tools and Phong materials. I then created text in Maya and parented the text to the cube.
(2) Animated the cube and cameras.
(3) Rendered out the animation as .PNGs and imported the images into After Effects.
(4) Used the Rotobrush tool to extract the cartoon characters from the foreground
(5) Converted the layers into 3D Layers. Arranged them in 3D space
(6) Created a light layer and arranged them.
(7) Exported the footage to Premiere. Created a bass loop in Garageband and imported the track into Premiere. Exported the final file.
My second bumper was a fake Nickelodeon bumper in the style of their other bumpers.
I created it by:
(1) Created an Illustrator document and, using the brush tool, created orange spots of various sizes. I then saved it as a .PNG to conserve its transparency.
(2) Opened AE and set the background as white. Imported in the spots .png
(3) Duplicated the spots file twice. Opened the "Color Balance (HLS)" effect and altered the colors of two of the spots files (changed one from orange to purple and the other from orange to green).
(4) Converted the layers to 3D Layers
(5) Arranged the layers in front of each other
(6) Created 2 lights and arranged them
(7) Created a 2-node camera. Set keyframes and animated the camera's position on the Z-axis
(8) Exported the file to Premiere.
(9) Found a collection of Nickelodeon bumpers from the 80s and 90s. Extracted the audio of the theme song. Synched the audio with my footage in Premiere.
(10) Exported the final file.
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