Sunday, December 2, 2012

Phage Game--Part 1

I am currently in the middle of developing Phage, a Flash/AS3 game. Phage is a platformer game in which the player assumes the role of a white blood cell (leukocyte) that defends the body from invaders.

Currently only 2 levels have been created.
Control movement with the left/right keys, up key to jump/double jump, and spacebar to shoot.
*It is best to restart the game each time you play because the webhost makes the program glitchier than it normally is.*

Some changes that I plan to make in Part 2:
-fixing glitches
-enemy collision events
-Background scrolling

I based the code and layout off of a tutorial from AS3 Game Tutorials

I have now fixed the collision bugs. The only thing left to do is to add the mods mentioned above.

***It is also important to note that because of how GoogleSites hosts code, the game's formatting looks different than as a normal swf file. As an swf file running from Flash, the background scrolls with the screen without any white spaces, and I'm not sure how to fix the aspect ratio on the Google-hosted code so that it scrolls with the screen.


  1. he slides around a bit much, you fall off the thingys really easy

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully my new version has some better traction.
